40 Days in the Book of JOHN

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days in the Book of JOHN
Day 11 | THE LAME MAN | John 5:5-6

John 5:5-6
“Now a man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. Jesus, upon seeing this man lying there and knowing that he had already been in that condition for a long time, said to him, ‘Do you want to get well?’”

Are you facing a problem? Have you been waiting for an answer for a LONG time?

Well, this story is about a man who had a problem for 38 years. When Jesus sees the man, he asks him a simple Yes or No question: “Do you want to get well?” And the man answers by telling him ALL the reasons he couldn’t get well.

Sometimes we too are like this man. We have a problem. We would like to see things in our lives changed, but we have essentially given up for one reason or the other. Perhaps the problem seems insurmountable. Maybe we tried a time or two or five – but haven’t seen results and give up.

We live today in an “instant” culture. We can text someone in two seconds and often expect a reply in less than ten. We have microwave ovens, instant-on TVs, and on and on.

But sometimes – I’ve learned – that even after I take something to the LORD that I would like to see changed… waiting is involved.  (And that waiting is challenging and counter-cultural.)
Jesus, who loved this man, didn’t want to see him hurting any longer, so He miraculously heals him. (Now, the religious folks were all upset because Jesus healed on the Sabbath – but that was their problem!)  

Our LORD wants to meet your needs too. But we have to make our requests to Him humbly, base them on Scriptural promises, and then wait for His perfect timing.

Prayer: Lord, help me pray sincerely about my needs and then learn to wait for your perfect timing. You know the Big Picture better than me, and I trust you. Amen.