Identifying With Christ - Love One Another #5

Apr 3, 2022    Dr Jim Brown

Baptism & Communion

BAPTISM: (Greek: baptizó) “to dunk, submerge, dip, wash”
“I am going public. I am identifying this Jesus Christ and His teachings."

COMMUNION: The sacred use of the bread and cup as demonstrated and commanded by Jesus Christ. It is a worshipful thanksgiving to God in which we remember the saving death of Jesus Christ, celebrate his victorious resurrection, hope for his return when he establishes his kingdom and experience His presence with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

1. Submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
2. Remembering His sacrifice to pay price for our sins.
3. Celebrate his resurrection!
4. Confess our sins and reconcile with brothers/sisters in Christ.
5. Give thanks
6. Love each other deeply.