40 Days of GRACE - 01

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of GRACE

Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Welcome to the first day of our new 40 Days of Grace series.

For many reading or listening to this devo, and even those who aren’t, GRACE is a confusing topic.  We can use the word grace in different ways.  We say “grace” before meals.  A dancer moves with “grace.” Some speakers express themselves with “grace.”  When we act with consideration towards others, we show grace.  The online dictionaries list over twenty distinct definitions for the word grace.

So, what do WE mean by GRACE from a Biblical and spiritual perspective?  What is its purpose, and how can we receive it, if it’s good for us?

Let me ask if a police officer has ever stopped you for a traffic violation.  How did you feel?  Did you argue or get upset?  Was the officer correct?  Were you speeding?  Did you coast through that stop sign?  Did you feel embarrassed because you knew he was right?  Did you fear the ticket and the cost? And then, did the officer let you off with just a warning?

That was GRACE.   You were wrong; the officer caught you, but he chose to let you off the hook.  Grace is undeserved favor.   The officer gave you a gift and did you a favor.

Now, consider our Almighty Lord God.  He sees all, hears all and knows all.

And yet, He offers us salvation.  And what do we have to do to receive this salvation?  Just accept it with gratitude!  We can’t buy it and – (don’t miss this) – we can’t EARN it.  No number of good deeds will repay the price that Jesus paid on the cross for our salvation.  It is a LOVE GIFT from our Heavenly Father.

Consider ALL your sins forgiven.  You become one of God’s children.  You are “born again.”  The Holy Spirit comes into your life and starts to remodel as necessary.  Heaven is in your future!  It’s incredible and… it’s all FREE to you and me because of God’s grace and the price the Son of God paid.

Prayer: LORD, thank You for the gift of salvation you offer to everyone, everywhere – and to me.  Amen.
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