40 Days of Truth - 19

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUTH

Psalm 25:4-5
“Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your TRUTH and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.”

How do YOU determine truth? What is true and what is false? What do you take as “the final answer” to the questions you have about life and people and nations and the future?

One of the great gifts that God gave us is the power to CHOOSE. Adam and Eve had it in the garden and – to quote a line from Indiana Jones – “they choose… poorly.”
Lest we get to high and mighty and down on that couple in the Garden, we would have done no better.  The serpent was crafty then – and is also today – which is why this world is in such a mess.

I remember years ago when I was a teenager and we had a boat that we would occasionally take out of King Harbor in Redondo Beach to go ocean fishing.  We’d often invite other Boy Scouts (I was one) to join us and enjoy the day fishing many miles out to sea.  Some days, the fog would roll in unexpectedly and prevent us from seeing the shore. The sun would be muted by the fog too and frankly, any direction looked like the other.

We had a choice. Just start driving the boat in any direction and hoping for shore… or we could look at the compass.

Nice thing about a compass… it is designed to always point NORTH.  Thus, knowing north and knowing the direction to shore, we could find our way home.

We live in a “fog” today too.  It’s so dense that it’s hard to know what direction to go. But God has provided!
From Psalm 25: “Make me know your ways, O Lord.  Teach me your paths.  Lead me in Your TRUTH…”

You see, everyone gets to choose. Follow the compass or make your own path.
Many today are doing the latter.  They are not interested in the TRUTH of the compass. They are not wanting to “get back home.” They don’t want to be told which way to go and want to blaze a new path into uncharted waters without knowing where that will take them and what things will be like when they arrive.

Personally, I find that dangerous thinking.  I can’t go there.  I’d much rather acknowledge that HE’s God … and I’m not … and follow His lead.

“Lead me in Your TRUTH and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.”

Notice that last bit… “for You I wait all the day.”  When is the last time you practiced that verse or perhaps Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

It’s easy to get busy, trust me, I know. But, the wise, the prudent, the true Follower of Jesus, will make time to “wait” for Him – in prayer, in mediation in the Word and learn to hear His still voice.  I like what one pastor said: “God speaks in a whisper.”

Prayer: Lord, speak to me, guide me, lead me into Your truth and teach me – for YOU are the God of my salvation. Teach me to wait upon YOU – and thus renew my strength, and get out of the fog and home safely. Amen.
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