40 Days of Truth - 12

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUTH
Psalm 25:4-5
“Show me your ways, O LORD.  Teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long.”

David the song-writer, the singer, and the lute-player, writes another psalm in which he is open and honest before the Lord and those who read or sing this psalm.

Another version says verse 4 this way:
“Lord, direct me throughout my journey so I can experience your plans for my life.  Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you.”

Let me ask, do you pray?  (I am guessing YES.)  Do you sometimes ask for the Lord’s help or comfort or guidance?  Have you ever considered that where you are RIGHT NOW, might be part of the LORD’S way of giving you His help, His comfort, and His guidance for your life?

You see, sometimes we pray for things – but already have a preconceived idea of what the answer should look like. So then when the answer comes, if it doesn’t look like what we were expecting, we figure that either we are confused… or maybe God is.

David – the imperfect King who was a “man after God’s own heart” – was willing to concede that perhaps the Lord knew which path was best for him.  “Teach me your paths.”

That can be a hard prayer to pray – “teach me Your paths … lead me in Your truth …”

There’s no doubt that God WANTS to teach us and lead us and guide us into HIS truth.  And yet, many of God’s children are GLAD they are His children BUT NOT always so glad to follow ALL of His plans for them… especially if they’re not what was expected.

One of things I hope happens to all of us during this walking in “40 Days of Truth” – is each of us gets HONEST before God as to how stubborn we have been, how determined to “have it our own way,” and how insensitive we’ve been in following HIM.  It’s not that we are NOT a son or daughter of His, but many aren’t very mature Believers because they are unwilling to submit themselves to the Lord, as David was here, and WAIT for Him to lead and guide.

I’ve been there.   You’ve been there. We all have that in common.

There have been times when we’ve had something “important” coming up and felt we needed Divine guidance, so we pray.  But then, if He doesn’t give us the answer we want, in the time frame we want, we turn and go make the decision ourselves.

Sometimes, waiting just a little while longer will allow Him to reveal His plan, His path, His truth just in time.

Prayer: Lord, slow me down enough to listen and really hear You speak.  Show me Your path and Your truth for me.  You – best of all – know where I am and what I need.  Your way will always be better.  Amen.
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