40 Days of Truth - 06

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUTH

1 John 3:18-19
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.”

When we think of “truth,” we typically think of the truthfulness of the things we SAY.  We consider and evaluate the words that we hear from others as either true or non-true.  We become adept at discerning “little white lies” and the “spin” that some people put on their words… designed, I suppose, to persuade us that they are right about something.

John, the same Apostle who wrote the Gospel of John and later Revelation, is an old man as he writes first, second and third John, and is teaching in these verses the need for our actions to match our words which should match our beliefs and thinking.  In other words, no hypocrisy allowed.

C. S. Lewis once said: “It is easier to be enthusiastic about Humanity with a capital “H” than it is to love individual men and women, especially those who are uninteresting, exasperating, depraved, or otherwise unattractive.  Loving everybody, in general, may be an excuse for loving nobody in particular.”

When people ask about the church I pastor and what it’s about, I like to keep it short and simple and say, “We Love God and Love Others.”

Jesus told his followers: “So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”  (John 13:34-35; TPT)

My take-away from this is that “truth” is something you think, something you say, and something you do.
It started years ago, and through the years I have either begun or sung in many small groups of between 2 (my wife and I) up to 5 or 6 people. And the quality of the music we produced was, in large part, a function of the arrangement of the parts and our ability to stay true to the part we were supposed to sing.  In other words, we produced “harmony.” When we all hit our notes and blended our tones, the result was at times magical… the proof of a good singing group.

For Christians, our lives need to be in “harmony.”  We need to be TRUE to our calling and let our thinking, our actions, and our words be in harmony… to the glory of God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to harmonize my life with You.  Help me to think your thoughts, say your words and act as you would act.  Help those who see me and know me, to see YOU.  Amen.
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