40 Days of Truth - 05

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUTH

Romans 8:38-39
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (NIV)

How do you determine TRUTH?

In an Olympic sport the winner is the one who runs the fastest, throws the farthest, jumps the highest and so on.  We measure these things… and “truth” in a running race, for instance, is the number on the stopwatch.  The runner with the fastest time is the BEST this year in that particular event.  It is objective, non-partial, and absolute.

In today’s climate of “political correctness,” objective truth is being obliterated by some.  Not happy with their own “ranking” in some regard, the proponents of political correctness want to change the measuring system. They desire to make it “fairer,” arguing “it’s not fair that some people run faster than others.”

Unfortunately, once you start down that path, there’s no end to the upheaval that is caused, as objective truth – e.g., how FAST someone runs the 100m dash – doesn’t matter.  It becomes a popularity contest of sorts.

The reality is TRUTH MATTERS… a lot.

Here in Romans 8, God is again speaking TRUTH to us through the human author Paul.  The truth that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that we have in Christ Jesus.

The importance of this cannot be overstated.

LIFE is a series of ups and downs. From the time we are born until we leave this earth, we all have “good times” and “bad times.”  Highs and lows.  There will be times, to continue the Olympics analogy, when we run the race of life well and times when we don’t.  That is just how life is.

But, our relationship with God through Christ is independent of that.  Whether we are having a “good day in the Lord” or are off into the weeds, God loves His children unconditionally.

My wife and have been blessed with three children – now all adults. We tried to convey our unconditional love for each of them the best we could and to live in a way that was consistent with that love, including the occasional discipline to help get them out of “the weeds.”  Today, ALL know and are secure in their relationship with us and with each other. They know that we’ll love them no matter what and all are involved with guiding and molding the lives of little ones.

God offers us His complete assurance, and the truth of that is vitally important as we live our lives in a world that increasingly doubts that anything is solid, reliable, or true.

Prayer: Lord, I trust in You.  Thank You for the truth of your love for me in spite of anything that may be happening. Thank You for the bond with me that will withstand ANYTHING that comes against it.  I am happy to be Your child.  Amen.
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