40 Days of Truth - 02

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUTH

John 17:17
“Your Word is truth! So make them holy by the truth.”

The “Lord’s Prayer” – the one that we all quote in church that begins “Our Father who art in heaven” – is the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray.  But in John 17 we get to read the prayer that was truly the “Lord’s Prayer” ... the one Jesus prayed to His Father.

In this prayer – a sermon in itself – Jesus prays personally and passionately with His Father… and mostly about His followers then and now.

As we continue to study TRUTH for these 40 days, we have Jesus’ declaration to the Father, “Your WORD is truth.”

Do you remember a time when a person’s word was his/her “bond”?  In other words… what they said, they meant and stood behind with their honor.

Today, that concept seems mostly forgotten and few people would trust others and take them “at their word” about anything of consequence.

I think this growing lack of trust of others overflows, too, to our relationship with Almighty God.
God has said many things in His Word.  He has given us many promises. He has told us as much as we can handle about Him… Who He is, what He desires, why He sent His Son, and what the future holds.

One of the KEY facts about God is – He does not lie.

Scripture, in Numbers 23:19, tells us: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

And in Hebrews 6:18: “So that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.”
TRUTH … the Cambridge dictionary says it means: “The actual fact or facts about a matter.”


How do YOU determine the direction NORTH?  Do you guess?  Ask a friend?  Take a vote?  See how you feel? Or do you get an outside measurer – a compass – and use that?

You see, a COMPASS is not swayed by opinion or what is most popular.  A compass will just point to north. And if you’re flying an airplane or piloting a boat on the open sea, you better depend on your compass and not on the direction you or others FEEL is north. That could be a deadly mistake.

God’s word is TRUTH, it always points “North” – to God – and tells us what is TRUE.

Prayer, Lord I acknowledge that Your Word is TRUTH.  Help me to spend time in your word and to understand that what I’m reading are YOUR words, YOUR thoughts, YOUR plans, and YOUR will for me.  Amen.
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