Power of 10 - Day 35

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
The POWER of 10

Psalm 119:105
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light.”

Have you ever had the power go out in your house at night? I remember a time some years ago, when ALL of San Diego country and southern Orange County had the power go out. It got dark… very dark. It was eerie and my wife and I broke out our candles and a battery powered radio I had (I’m also a ham radio guy). We played cribbage (a card game) outside (it was warm out) to candlelight and chatted with some neighbors who were drawn to our candles.

The reality is that we are NOT used to ALL the lights being out and total darkness. It’s unnatural and if it weren’t for our candles, the experience would have been even more strange and unsettling.

That night we experience physical darkness. But we live in a world today that is delving into spiritual darkness. Oh, there has always been spiritual darkness in our world, but what we’re seeing today is beyond anything I’ve known in my lifetime. I could enumerate, but you know what I’m talking about.

So, analogous to the candles we donned during our black out, the question becomes WHERE do we find “candles” for today’s darkness?

The answer is: God’s Word.

The Psalmist hit it on the head in today’s verse. “YOUR WORD is a lamp unto my feet.” “Your Word” … aka the Bible. The Word of God. And it IS… “a LAMP and a LIGHT.”

It’s interesting that during the blackout we faced we didn’t need a house full of candles. Just one or two would work. In fact, it only takes ONE candle to light a dark room.

People today seem to be searching for light. Like using GPS or a good map to find the way; generally speaking, people WANT to know the way and not just drive aimlessly.

You are reading this devotional and are exposing yourself to the LIGHT of God’s Word, and that’s great! Just realize that besides being WORDS, it is also a lamp and light for you, your path, your life, your family, everything.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for supplying a light and keeping me out of darkness. Amen.
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