Day 11 - 40 Days in the Old Testament

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days in the Old Testament
Day  11 | KING DAVID

2 Samuel 22:2-3
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” (NLT)

David is one of the most recognized characters in the Bible. David, sheep, Goliath, slingshots, Saul, Bathsheba, and more… all fit into David’s story.

David had an interesting life, especially after King Saul sinned badly by ordering his soldiers to hunt and kill David because he was jealous of David’s victory over Goliath and following popularity with the people. (1 Samuel). Imagine the level of hatred Saul had… and then there’s the side-story of Saul’s son, Jonathan, becoming best friends with David and helping him hide and stay safe.

It’s interesting to ponder Romans 8:28,  “…all things work together for good to those who love the Lord…”  and then consider the years Saul was chasing David. Those years of evading Saul’s attempts to kill him grew David’s faith and dependence on God. And that helped prepare him to be the King of Israel for 40 years.

Think back. Might there have been times when the LORD was growing you for a future assignment? And, though those times may not have been enjoyable, is it possible that those events worked together for YOUR good to help prepare you?

God is omniscient, meaning He knows all… past, present, and future. He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins even BEFORE we were born and even had committed any.

He also knew when you’d accept Christ, what spiritual gift you would receive, and what job He wanted you to accomplish for the Kingdom.
Many of David’s psalms proclaim the wonder and strength of the Lord. David knew well that he was imperfect but that his LORD loved Him and was merciful.
Prayer: LORD, though I don’t always understand, I thank You for loving me and leading me daily. Amen.