40 Days Praying the PSALMS

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days Praying the PSALMS

From Psalm 69
“Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck. Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can’t find a foothold. I am in deep water,
and the floods overwhelm me.”
“I keep praying to you, Lord, hoping this time you will show me favor. In your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with your sure salvation.”
“The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged.”

Once again, David is crying out to the Lord for help, and if you’ve been with us in this 40 Days of Psalms, you know that David does that a lot.  

One of the things I take away from David’s crying out to God is that David realized that the LORD God was his Source.  Whatever he needed, he could ask of the Lord.

If there is a problem with Christians generally today, it’s that we don’t pray enough.  I can only guess why this is so, but included in those reasons might be things like:
* We don’t see instant results, so we figure we didn’t pray right.
* We don’t feel close to God.
* We don’t feel we’re important enough to God.
* We don’t know how to pray.
* We’ve prayed before, didn’t get an answer, and are disappointed.

Notice David when he said: “But I keep praying to you, Lord, hoping this time you will show me favor.”

You’ve probably heard this before but remember that God is not a “vending machine.”  You can’t just plug in a “secret formula,” and God will perform for you.

Keep this in mind, too: God knows EVERYTHING and knows what’s BEST for you in the long run. It may not always make sense, but that’s where faith kicks in, and we learn to TRUST in GOD, no matter what.  Easy to say, easy for me to write, TOUGH to believe when things are bad.  I get it.

Keep praying, look up, and watch for God’s hand.

Prayer: LORD, I am so glad that YOU know everything.  I will keep praying to You and trusting in You because You are my LORD, and I know You love me.  Amen