40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

1 Peter 4:10
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the multifaceted grace of God.”

Have you enjoyed playing catch anytime recently? (Or maybe way back?) Perhaps you played with a child, a friend, a teammate, or your dog! But whomever, did you consider all the parts of your body that came into play by just playing catch? Your eyes, hands, feet, arms, brain, and MORE … just to catch a ball.

Consider the Church (Big C… the universal, worldwide church made up of all Believers wherever they may live). Consider ALL the needs the (Big-C) church has… And even your (little-c) church where you attend. Maybe some of the people in your church are lonely, or don't understand the Bible, or are new to the area and have a child who needs a friend, or perhaps they have just suffered a loss of some type. (And maybe YOU have some of those needs too!)

WHO is going to meet those needs?

Well, our amazingly all-knowing all-wise Lord God KNEW that we would all have needs, and He prepared a system to meet those needs:  OTHERS.

As this verse from Peter alludes, YOU (and every other Believer) received a special gift. This spiritual talent was given for you to use in serving "one another." In fact, there are over 50 "one-another" statements in the New Testament and using our gift to serve "one-another" is a part of God's plan for the church.

Perhaps you think you don't have anything worth sharing since you're not a pastor. WRONG! The pastor at your church is using His special gift to bless and benefit others, but YOU are to be a part of that with what YOU can do! So look around and ask the Lord, "What would you like me to do for or say to someone today?"

Prayer: LORD, help me not be selfish or lazy with the special gift you gave me. Help me today to be a blessing to someone. Amen.