40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

Psalm 56:8
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

I remember that when I was growing up, my mom was always the one I went to when I was hurt or sad. Moms have a way of comforting children as they go through life with the inevitable bumps, scrapes, and disappointments that come their way.

Then, of course, we grow up, become adults, and often don’t have a mom to turn to anymore.
But God.  (I love those two words). But God… sees all, knows all, and is sensitive to His children’s sorrows and tears. Let that sink in. When YOU are sad, down, and tearful, God knows, sees, and cares.

The verses today from Psalm 56 tell us that and more.

He keeps track of all YOUR sorrows.

I was thinking about how many dumb things we did as kids that caused us pain. And even then, mom showed compassion, understanding, and comfort.

Our Lord God does that and more. He keeps track; He collects our tears. He records each one in His book.

Consider this… we’re made in the image of God, right? So, if we have emotions, it’s a good bet that God has feelings too. Consider God the Holy Spirit. He can be saddened, grieved, angered, and more. Additionally, He can be our comforter, like our human moms were years ago.

Like our mothers, God aches when we ache. God does not chuckle when we pay the price for wrong actions. Rather, He understands and aches with us. So, whenever you cry, God keeps track. He collects those tears – as if in a bottle – and records each in His book. You are not forgotten… and you are not alone.

Prayer: LORD, thank you for being here with me every day. Help me always live life in a way that is pleasing to you, but also, thank you for being there in my times of sorrow and tears. Amen.