40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU

Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” 

Were you ever scolded as a child when you mishandled something sharp and potentially dangerous? I suppose that every child has had something like that happen… and why?

Because when we're young and inexperienced, everything looks exciting, and we want to handle it and play with it. That sharp kitchen knife – or perhaps a piece of broken glass – was just such a thing, and our parents tried to protect us appropriately. Yet, when we grow up and learn respect for sharp objects, they can be tools in our hands to accomplish good things.

The author of Hebrews is telling us something similar. But that SHARP object to which he refers is the Word of God.

You may be thinking... Really? Are we talking about the Bible?   Yep!

The Bible – aka the Word of God – is not just another "book" like you'd order online. It was written over approximately 4000 years, by 40 different men… ALL led by the Holy Spirit as to what they wrote. Thus, the Bible was not written by just one guy or a small committee but by a group of men who, for the most part, never met anyone else who had written Bible.

The POWER of the Bible comes from the leading of these men to write what GOD the Holy Spirit led them to write. And no one knows the human condition BETTER than Almighty God.

Thus, even if you've read the Bible through – perhaps years ago – it's a good thing to reread it. Why? Because YOU are not the same person as you were back then, what you're facing is certainly not the same, and God's leading – through His Word – is for YOU now.

But beware… that WORD is sharp and powerful. It's not "just another book." It's the LIVING Word of the Living God – who knows all, is all-powerful, and is everywhere present, at once.

Prayer: LORD, help me as I read Your Word, to ponder it and allow it to lead me in Your ways. Amen.