40 Days in the Book of JOHN

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days in the Book of JOHN

John 1:14
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

In a most fantastic display of love ever, God becomes a man… “And the Word became flesh.”  This is more profound than the average Christmas carol captures, because it indicates that the Infinite became finite. God allowed His Son to become bound by time and space. The Son, who was in heaven, came to earth where He became a visible and powerless little child. He went from being in heaven “in the beginning” to being a baby needing a mother to meet all his needs. This event is the incarnation – the Son of God becoming a human baby.

“Dwelt” leads us to imagine a tent, or as those in the Old Testament might say, a “tabernacle.”  Here, it refers to God dwelling in a human body (or tent), so He could be close to His people. In those Old Testament tabernacles, once set up, they would be full of God’s “Shekinah” glory.

When Jesus was born, though incompressible to us, he was both man and God. He brought His glory with him – though most saw only the human side.   And yet God’s qualities, attributes, and characteristics were on display for all to see. His grace, goodness, mercy, wisdom, truth, power, and love.

Christmas is an important holiday that most enjoy celebrating… even if they have forgotten the true reason for the holiday. Yet here, in John 1, we are reminded of the inconceivable love that caused the Son of God to leave his heavenly throne voluntarily; to come to earth and live among us.

Prayer: LORD, all I can do is thank You for all you have done. To have given up your throne to come to earth and live among us – so that we might have an eternal relationship with You. It’s beyond words, so let me say, Thank You. Amen.