40 Days of PEACE

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of PEACE
Day 35| SCREENS AND WINDOWS | Romans 8:6


Romans 8:6
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”

Our minds are incredible.  They can think so many thoughts, keep so many memories, and yet, at the same time, process all the signals necessary to keep our bodies functioning healthily.

But not everything our minds do is positive.  Not everything they think is helpful to the rest of the body in which they reside.  Our minds are also exceptional in that they can conjure up thoughts from the past, ponder images and news reports from the now, or even make up “what-if” scenarios… ALL of which can lead us down the paths of fear, doubt and worry.

In this verse, Paul is trying to teach the church at Rome that they have a choice.  They can let their minds be governed by the FLESH and find that leads to death.  Or they can let their minds be governed by the Holy Spirit of God and find that leads to life and peace.

I can’t believe that anyone reading this would honestly opt for the former – a mind full of death.
In our homes, we put screens and glass on the windows to keep OUT the bugs, flies, and critters that we don’t want inside.  Yet it allows us to see out and enjoy the scenery.

Why don’t we do that with our minds?’

Think: What are some of the things you’d like to “screen out” of your mind?   What items have you watched or heard that have made you angry, upset, or worried?

Let your mind be governed by the Spirit of God who will bring increased LIFE and PEACE into your existence.

Make wise choices.

Prayer: LORD, sometimes I don’t make wise choices.  I watch or listen to too much of this or that… filling my mind with the wrong things that lead to bad feelings on my part.  Teach me to make wiser choices as to what I feed my mind.  Amen.