40 Days of Promise | Day 28

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of Promise
Day 28 | No Condemnation | Romans 8:1
No Condemnation
Romans 8:1
“There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."

When a person gets to the point of acknowledging the possibility of God’s existence, he begins to grapple with and admit to being imperfect. Whether we call it sin or missing the mark or failings, the conclusion is the same, we have broken God’s laws and need help.

The story of the Bible is that of God providing redemption for men and women who have sinned and therefore missed the standard of perfection which God requires.

As Max Lucado put it, “The algebra of heaven reads something like this: heaven is a perfect place for perfect people which leaves us in a perfect mess.” Thus, we ask: “Who will deliver me?” (Romans 7:24)

This is WHY Jesus came to earth, died on the cross, rose again and ascended to heaven, and now sits at the right hand of the Father. (And intercedes for us… see yesterday’s devotional.)
But many people – even Christians – still wonder, still worry, still doubt… “Have I done enough to earn heaven?”

The bad news is: NO, you haven’t.

The good news though: “There is now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.”

You see, there is an alternative either living like a legalist – trying to keep all 600+ laws of the Old Testament plus all those of the New (see Sermon on the Mount) – or just becoming an atheist and forgetting the whole thing and letting the chips fall where they may.

The truth is, God has done ALL that is necessary for you and me to be granted Citizenship in Heaven and receive the privilege of becoming a Child of God.  Having accepted Christ as Lord and Savior means you no longer stand condemned.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for ALL you have done for me and your promise that I am NOT condemned!  Amen.